



更新時(shí)間:2016-07-08 15:36:31點(diǎn)擊次數:1172次
冰箱要是長(cháng)時(shí)間不清洗或清洗方法不正確也會(huì )有一股難聞的味道,這因為冰箱內有細菌的緣故,因為這些細菌在其生長(cháng)代謝的過(guò)程中會(huì )產(chǎn)生許多代謝氣體,如甲烷,硫化氫,甲硫醇,甲基胺等發(fā)臭氣體,當菌群長(cháng)到一定大的時(shí)候,散發(fā)的氣體也就更濃烈,這么多種臭氣體混合在一起就會(huì )讓您家的冰箱產(chǎn)生更難聞的異味。

冰箱要是長(cháng)時(shí)間不清洗或清洗方法不正確也會(huì )有一股難聞的味道,這因為冰箱內有細菌的緣故,因為這些細菌在其生長(cháng)代謝的過(guò)程中會(huì )產(chǎn)生許多代謝氣體,如甲烷,硫化氫,甲硫醇,甲基胺等發(fā)臭氣體,當菌群長(cháng)到一定大的時(shí)候,散發(fā)的氣體也就更濃烈,這么多種臭氣體混合在一起就會(huì )讓您家的冰箱產(chǎn)生更難聞的異味。

因此,應該定期對冰箱進(jìn)行清洗,由于目前家用冰箱使用頻率過(guò)高,所以每周至少一次對冰箱進(jìn)行清洗、除菌、消毒。 其次是方法要正確,除了對冰箱內部常規部位進(jìn)行清洗、消毒外,更應該注重用高效的冰箱專(zhuān)用消毒劑來(lái)對冰箱內部的滴水槽、隔板槽等死角進(jìn)行噴射消毒。
Therefore, the refrigerator should be cleaned on a regular basis, due to the current high frequency of use of household refrigerators, refrigerator so at least once a week for cleaning,sterilization and disinfection. Followed by the method to be correct, in addition to the conventional parts of the refrigerator for cleaning, disinfecting, but also should focus on efficient refrigerator with special disinfectant spray to disinfect the interior of the refrigerator drip separator tank and other dead.  
冰箱內壁、死角噴霧完成后,應該將冰箱門(mén)關(guān)閉5—10分鐘,讓消毒劑充分殺菌,最后再用抹布抹干凈。 一周至少要擦拭一遍冰箱的表面。冰箱內部可以用硼酸或消毒紙巾擦拭,擱架要拿出來(lái)用水清洗;冰箱內壁用甘油擦拭,可形成一層薄薄的保護膜,即使沾上牛奶或是食物殘渣,也可以很容易地被擦拭掉。
Refrigerator wall, dead after spraying is completed, the refrigerator door should be shut down for 5-10 minutes to allow sufficient bactericidal disinfectant, and then finally wipe clean rag. Wipe the surface again for at least a week in the refrigerator. Inside the refrigerator can use boric acid or disinfectant wipes to clean, wash with water to bring it up shelf; refrigerator wall with glycerol wipe a thin layer of protective film can be formed, even if stained milk or food debris can easily be wiped away.


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