



更新時(shí)間:2016-07-08 15:36:58點(diǎn)擊次數:1324次

Disorderly development industry, the service level is not high. The current level of domestic service in Jinan still in the initial stage, Housekeeping mixed enterprises, self-employed households accounted for most industries, there are small-scale operations, more loosely organized, management is not standardized, domestic service industry into a vicious competition status . As the cost of management of large enterprises is relatively high, resulting in large companies often compete with unregulated domestic service agency, staff system but non-competitive domestic service employees made ??small businesses, brands and scale advantages difficult to reflect.
Large gap in the market, the structural contradiction between supply and demand. At present, the development of domestic service is incompatible with strong market demand, the lack of labor resources, supply and demand contradiction. Meanwhile, the current supply to the domestic market mainly simple labor-based domestic services, maternal and child care, elderly care, family education consultants and other high-end domestic staff shortages, there is an imbalance between the structure of supply and high demand for low-end.
3、從業(yè)人員素質(zhì)參差不齊,社會(huì )保障不健全。據統計,家政服務(wù)從業(yè)人員主要由下崗失業(yè)人員、在家待業(yè)人員、退休人員和閑散農村婦女組成,以外來(lái)人員為主。75%的一線(xiàn)家政服務(wù)從業(yè)者受教育程度為初中及以下,文化程度普遍偏低。從業(yè)人員的自身職業(yè)發(fā)展面臨較大的困難,由于家政服務(wù)從業(yè)者不需要持證上崗且流動(dòng)性較大,小規模的企業(yè)普遍沒(méi)有對員工開(kāi)展有效的職業(yè)培訓,較正規的企業(yè)也只有80%的一線(xiàn)職工參加過(guò)培訓,而且往往培訓時(shí)間較短、質(zhì)量不高。由于受傳統觀(guān)念的影響,社會(huì )對家政服務(wù)業(yè)的認識仍存在誤區,從業(yè)者難以得到社會(huì )價(jià)值的認可,部分就業(yè)困難人員不愿意進(jìn)入家政行業(yè)。同時(shí),家政服務(wù)企業(yè)特別是小規模企業(yè)的用工不規范現象嚴重,企業(yè)職工的勞動(dòng)合同簽訂、社會(huì )保險繳納等合法權益無(wú)法得到保障。
Uneven quality of employees, social security is not perfect. According to statistics, domestic service employees mainly by laid-off workers at home, unemployed, retirees and composition of idle rural women, to persons other than the main. 75% of front-line practitioners in domestic service for junior secondary education level and below, education is generally low. Own career development practitioners face greater difficulties, because domestic service practitioners do not need certificates and greater mobility, small-scale enterprises generally do not develop effective vocational training for employees, more formal enterprises only 80% participated in the training of front-line workers, and often shorter training time, the quality is not high. Due to the impact of traditional social awareness of domestic service, there are still errors, practitioners of social value is difficult to obtain recognition, some difficulty finding employment reluctant to enter the domestic industry. Meanwhile, domestic service enterprises, especially small-scale enterprises and employment serious irregularities, enterprise workers labor contract, social security contributions and other legitimate rights and interests can not be guaranteed.
Large domestic enterprises financing difficulties, policy support should be further increased. Currently, large-scale domestic enterprises generally face the problem of financing, lack of funds is serious, business development bottlenecks, seriously affecting the industry and enterprise development potential. To develop the necessary investment, domestic service industry alone will be difficult to put into their own development through the bottleneck of the critical period and requires the government to further intensify policy support to promote domestic service enterprises bigger and stronger.


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